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Friday, June 30, 2023

Here how to fix Step 2 Errors Set up Google AdSense

 Here how to fix 

Step 2


Set up Google AdSense

Your associated AdSense account is disabled for invalid click activity or other policy reasons. Your recent email from has more details .Learn more

Video guide about how fix this Issue

Here text for fill Appeal 

((Guide to fill in the form for Appealing to YouTube))

1. Users reach my content via Google Search engine including Google, Bing, or YouTube Channel and other YouTube Features. 
 Some traffic reaches via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. 

2.  According to this matter, I would like to inform that I’ve never violated the AdSense program policies, 
 and if I have done unintentionally, I must owe you an apology. 

3. The reason why my channel invalid activity I don’t know exactly about the reason but I think that maybe I complete tax form 0% because I don’t know.​ If I have a mistake please for give me I promise I don’t do it again.

4. First of all, I really apologise for any invalid activity and condemn like these activities and also for those mistakes which happened by unknowingly and my negligence. Further now, I assure to adhere to the AdSense policies. If my AdSense started again I will do everything to comply with the policies and to try to get away from any invalid activity which violates the term and condition. To generate my traffic, I will use different social media for promoting my channel. 

5. Dear Google, this is my first time that my AdSense account is disabled due to this invalid click activity, I could not record any suspicious IP address, traffic log and reports. I also apologise again for this negligence. As must as I know about my site or AdSense I have mentioned I only appeal to ignore any server or light invalid activity to my account and give me first and last chance to work properly on my AdSense account. I accept my mistakes which happened by unknowingly and my negligence.  


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